Monday, July 19, 2010

Hi there friends.
I thought I would join the 21st century and begin a blog here from LA. On this blog, I will publish some poems and thoughts related to my experiences here. I hope you enjoy!!

The wind is bellowing outside the shattered window
As a wolf howls in the distance of the cold and windy night
Yet there is only one sound I hear
And that is the beating of my tepid heart

The echoes of the howling wolf fade into
The darkness of the cold and lonely night
As she disappears into the darkness in search of food
For her pups hungrily awaiting her return

From inside my unprotected and shivering room
I take a deep breath and listen for the stillness
That signals the arrival of the imminent dawn
As the footsteps of the howling wolf draw near

I step outside to courageously meet this mother
As carefully I avoid the shards of broken glass
Scattered beneath my feet and reflecting
The gentle light of the twinkling stars above

Her piercing eyes are beaming through the shadows
As cautiously she approaches and her scowling features emerge
The mother wolf is angry as her quest to nourish her starving pups
Nears its futile and mortal end with provisions not in sight

The morning sun peaks over the distant horizon
Nourishing the dawn from the light of the twinkling stars
As suddenly the mother wolf leaps clear over my head
Avoiding the edged piercings of shattered glass

The slumbered morning awakening in the dawn
Suddenly springs to life as a gleeful jackrabbit hops
Across a grassy meadow in joyful bounds of hope
As the howling wolf becomes a mother again
Able to nourish and nurture the pups she sadly left behind

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