Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Angry Wave

The dream gets lost in words which
Aimlessly disappear into an endless fog
That hides a peaking mountain away
In a thick cloud of gray mass that threatens
To heap a torrential flood of despair onto the
Deepest and most intimate dreams of lovers
Gently walking together hand in hand along
The sandy shores of an isolated beach as '
Towering and merciless waves continuously
Explode upon impact against the gentle sand
Whose delicate softness dances like a candle
Reaching out to embrace the impending explosion
Of an angry wave that blows like a grenade

The dreams have lasted a lifetime and now
The time has come for the endless fog
To reach its end and to say goodbye
To the mountain whose peak is peaking
Far beyond the mass of gray clouds
Whose threat to heap torrential despair
Onto the deepest and most intimate dreams
Of lovers gently walking together hand in hand
Has instead fallen into the rush of a wave
That no longer carries with it the desire
To cruelly crash against a kindhearted shore
As a dancing candle has reached out its arms
To embrace the fury of an angry wave

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