Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Falling Tree

The air above tastes so wonderful to breathe
As opposed to the death that has been alive
And for so long has sustained me underwater
As afraid I have been to surface and enjoy the warmth
Of a summer's day or the chill of a winter's frost
For the elements above the surface are unpredictable

An innocent child once walked through the forest
Merrily laughing away while admiring a tree in the distance
When suddenly there was a loud bang and then a piercing cry
And no longer was this child merrily walking through the forest
For his innocence had been driven far beneath the ground
By a tree falling in the distance, dislodged from its roots

The sunlight disappeared that day and no longer was the boy
Able to merrily laugh his life away in the thick forest
For he never knew when a tree he so admired
Would unpredictably and for seemingly no reason
Violently crash to the ground as it lost its sway
From a place far beyond from where the boy could see

The air above tastes so wonderful to breathe as
The little boy that has been buried below
No longer enjoys the death that has been the life
Which has sustained his soul from within drowning waters
That have eerily flowed underneath the head of
What appeared to the little boy as a giant falling from the sky
As I learn today to enjoy the majesty of another tree

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